Women in photography - Q&A with photoGuard's very own Sara Newell

1. Where did your photography journey start, and what got you into photography?

My interest in photography stems from my love of travel and nature. Three years ago I took the decision to move away from the auto setting and learn how to properly use my camera. 

Cheetah2. What is your photography style, and has it developed since you started?

As a beginner my style is evolving, I’m drawn to simplicity and love powerful animal portraits. I have been inspired by a number of great wildlife photographers, such as David Lloyd, Greg du Toit, Richard Peters and Tom Way.

Buffalo3. Do you have a favourite photography destination? If so where and why?

As a wildlife photographer there is no better place, in my view, than the Masai Mara in Kenya. This national reserve in East Africa is home to an abundance of big game, spectacular landscapes and the scene of one of the planets most dramatic wildlife migrations.

Leopard4. Which destinations are next on your list?

Unfortunately, my trip to Kenya in October has been postponed until 2021, so my next trips will be much closer to home. I plan to take a trip to Scotland and hopefully capture pictures of Artic Hares, Puffins and Adders.

Giraffe5. Why do you think there are more male photographers?

It's true that there are many more male photographers than women, particularly in wildlife photography. I don’t think there is a single reason but wildlife photography can require you to be alone in isolated places for long periods and until recently the equipment has been heavy so it can be a little intimidating to start with. 

6. How do you think women can support each other more in the industry?

One of the first things I did was join my local camera club, this is a great way of meeting other female photographers. I have also joined a number of Facebook groups, SheClicks, womeninphotography, and WomenWildlifePhotography. These groups enable you to share photos, ask questions and seek recommendations. I have learnt so much from these groups and received a huge amount of encouragement and support.

Booking a photography holiday, trip and workshop with one of your favourite photographers is also a great way of improving your skills and supporting their business. I travelled with Ellie Rothnie and Natures Images to photograph the Dalmatian pelicans of Lake Kerkini in Northern Greece. 

7. Which female photographers are you most looking forward to seeing at the show?

Drone Lass - Commercial CAA Drone pilot

Tania Rose Esteban -  Wildlife Filmmaker

Megan Jepson - Portrait of Britain winner 2020

8. If you could only save three pieces of your equipment from a burning building what would it be and why? 

Tough one, I would probably grab my camera body, a Nikon D500, my Nikon 70-200mm lens and finally my portable hard drives which contain all my best images.

Sara Newell


