Here's how to give back for the environmental photographer
Have you been touched by the #WildAboutPhotography campaign and what to know more on how you can give back? Below are 4 ways on how YOU can get involved and help wildlife conservation.
Volunteering is a rewarding way of giving back while helping the conservation of UK wildlife. Volunteers carry out an array of tasks including but not limited to:
- Beach cleans
- Species surveying
- Caring for nature reserves
- Running wildlife watch groups
Or if being outside isn't your thing there is always administrative and IT work to be done. Visit to find your local wildlife trust and get involved!
If you are looking further afield and want to really get down with the wildlife of the world, Global Vision International offers various conservation internships, programs and courses. Fancy interning in a Caribbean rainforest conducting research and camera trapping? Or perhaps spending time surveying reefs in the crystal-clear waters off the Seychelles islands? Find out how you can contribute to global issues and make a difference at
Avoiding palm oil
Palm oil can be found in thousands of food products, cosmetics and detergents. Palm Oil plantations currently cover over 27 million hectares of the Earth's surface. The palm oil industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forest must be cleared for the plantations. As the forest habitat is cleared, endangered species such as the orangutan, Borneo elephant and Sumatran tiger are being pushed closer to extinction. So, be aware and check next time you're choosing biscuits from the super market!
Helping from your own back garden
No matter how big or small your garden there are some simple things you can do to help. A necessity for all wildlife is somewhere to breed and have shelter. Providing bird boxes, bat boxes and hedgehog homes can be extremely helpful for wildlife that cannot find a natural nesting site.
Alternatively plant some bee-friendly plants. Catmint, lavender and foxgloves are just a few of many bee-friendly plants which produce nectar and pollen and provide a veritable feast for the bees!
Creating a mini-pond can be as simple as using an old washing up bowl, or an unused sink but it can be great to watch water insects and birds having a bath.
Making others aware
Finally, making others aware could be the most powerful thing you can do to help wildlife conservation. Each individual action you take has a ripple effect on the others around you, and every person can make a difference.Want to find out more?
@WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society)